We will talk about the controversy about using meds for animals who have difficulty with grooming. There are lots of strong feelings about this. I think that many groomers refuse to work with animals that are medicated. And then there are other people who really want the animals to be medicated.

So we'll talk about where some of this bias comes from. This is not veterinary advice. I am not a veterinarian, and we will not list specific medications. We'll just talk about how many groomers feel about medications, and we'll give a little bit of a history lesson to see where that was coming from.

For full transcripts, go to the episode on CreatingGreat GroomingDogs.com

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For more information about my classes, go to MasterGroomerBehaviorSpecialist.com

or go to the Whole Pet Grooming Academy website WholePetNH.com

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