A new class is starting Mon Mar 17th at 2PM Eastern through the WPGA's Global Campus!

Ep190 Warnings and Bites

Episode 190 Warnings and Bites. What is the difference between a dog giving you a warning and a dog trying to hurt you? I don't want you to think a dog can't hurt you. Maybe you think they're too small, old, or young. Any pet can hurt you. I also don't want you to think that maybe a dog missed. “You got lucky that he missed.” They rarely miss. So we're gonna talk about the difference between warnings and a dog that's trying to hurt you and why we, as professionals, should take warnings very seriously.




Dogs Bite: But Balloons and Slippers Are More Dangerous by Janis Bradley https://a.co/d/9WRz2na

For more info go to CreatingGreatGroomingDogs.com