Level 100 of the MGBS program is starting Mon May 13th at noon Eastern through the Whole Pet Grooming Academy Global Campus!
Nov. 30, 2022

Ep 177 The Sticking Point

Ep 177 The Sticking Point

This week we'll talk about where you may be getting stuck. You're trying to help the dog be Calm, Comfortable, and Cooperative(the 3C's) but it doesn't seem to be working the way that you hoped. You could be making a very common mistake.   If you...

This week we'll talk about where you may be getting stuck. You're trying to help the dog be Calm, Comfortable, and Cooperative(the 3C's) but it doesn't seem to be working the way that you hoped. You could be making a very common mistake.


If you want more info about the me, the show, the classes I teach, or the services I offer, go to CreatingGreatGroomingDogs.com